I'm considering changing my gradings system or at least taking "dip it" out of the equation. Whenever I grade a show "dip it" I often feel like I'm filling out the "Sometimes" bubble in a behavioral study survey. "Dip it" also means to actually see the full show, yet its implication is negative since people use the term "dipping" as a polite way to say they are leaving a party after being there only a brief period of time. To grade a show "dip it" it means that you should still see them but not feel as compelled, or go through as much effort to go as a "trip it" show. I want to know what you think. Should I stick to my puny grading system and let my audience hear the catchy three levels: "trip it, dip it, or skip it", or should I drop "dip it" and avoid risking further confusion, while reducing my grading to what is a basically a pass fail system?
Please vote.
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