
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First Post

Greetings fellow travelers/concert goers. I am a lover of live music to the point where studio-recorded material is often less pleasurable to hear. If a band I am unfamiliar with releases a live album, that will often be the first, if not only album I will purchase from them, there is something pretty and exciting about the "imperfection" of live performance. While I live in Chicago, which is a premier city to see live music, the most fun I've ever had going to a show was seeing one in another town. It makes the whole event feel like an adventure, rather than something that fills your friday night. If an artist skips Chicago on their tour schedule, I'm excited knowing I have no choice but to escape the city to see them. This blog is about those concerts in particular. The ones where you have to hit the road to see the show and since people don't often get to do this, they will get a sense of what it was like from seeing my blog. Bands and venues will be graded on how far you should be willing to travel to see their live show.

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